Labrador Grenfell Health’s Paramedicine and Ambulance/medical transport program is responsible for providing optimal care and service to anyone in need of Emergency Medical Services and under the Policy and direction of the DOHCS Department of Health and Community Services Labrador Grenfell Health is responsible for:
- Governance of all road ambulance services within the region, this includes contracted Private Services in Cartwright, Port Hope Simpson and Forteau Labrador as well as the Community Based Ambulance Service in St.Lunaire-Griquet.
- PMO Provincial Medical Oversite is responsible for the registration and certification of all ambulance staff within Labrador Grenfell Health and the entire province of Newfoundland And Labrador.
Labrador Grenfell Health provides RHA/Hospital based ambulance service to:
- St. Anthony and the surrounding area and is based out of the Dr. Charles S Curtis Hospital in St. Anthony.
- Flowers Cove and the surrounding area and is based out of the Strait of Belle Isle Health Center in Flowers Cove.
- Roddickton and the surrounding area and is based out of the White Bay Central Health Center in Roddickton.
- Happy Valley Goose Bay and surrounding area and is based out of the Labrador Health center in Happy Valley Goose Bay.
- Sheshatshiu and North West River and surrounding area and is based out of the Mani Ashini Clinic in Sheshatshiu.
- Labrador City Wabash and surrounding area and is based out of the Labrador West Health Center.
Labrador Grenfell Health’s Paramedicine and Emergency Medical Transport program is also responsible for the governance of a Community based service and Private Services in various locations across the region.
Labrador Grenfell Health has all of its RHA/Hospital based Paramedics licensed to their full scope and working at the various Emergency departments and facilities across the region where there are RHA based Ambulance Services.