COVID-19 update

Public Advisory – April 9, 2020

Labrador-Grenfell Health is wishing everyone a safe and happy Easter weekend! We understand this is a difficult time, and while you cannot participate in holiday activities in the typical way, we hope you are able to connect with your loved ones in creative ways. Whether by window visits, video chats or phone calls, make sure to spread some joy anyway you can.

Please remember to keep a physical distance, wash your hands often, cover your coughs and sneezes, and only leave home for essentials.

The health and safety of our communities continues to be our priority throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

We recognize there has been a lot of information shared regarding changes to the delivery of services and many updates to COVID-19 precautions. Therefore, we felt it necessary to provide the public with a current list of restrictions to assist with any confusion.

The following restrictions have been implemented at all Labrador-Grenfell Health facilities:


For more information and regular updates on COVID-19, please visit the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador website link below.

  • We are requesting that everyone call ahead before visiting our facilities, including the Emergency Department, Laboratory and Diagnostic Imaging. Our staff will provide direction for when you visit.
  • Critically ill patients may be directed to use the Emergency Department entrance as opposed to the main designated entrance.

We are encouraging all persons presenting at our health facilities to come alone to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this time.