The Caregiver Benefit is provided to caregivers to sustain the support they provide to lower-income adults, aged 65 and over, who have high-care needs as determined by NL Health Services.

About the grant

      • eligible caregivers will receive $400 per month.

      • both the caregiver and care recipient must be residents of Newfoundland and Labrador.

      • the caregiver must be 19 years of age or older and the care recipient must be 65 years of age or older

    Who can apply for the grant?

    Both the caregiver and care recipient must meet eligibility criteria for the program.

    To be eligible to receive the Caregiver Benefit, a caregiver must:

        • provide meaningful, significant and regular care to an eligible care recipient as determined by NL Health Services. Meaningful and significant care can include supporting activities of daily living including supporting the care recipient to eat and drink, supporting personal care including bathing, washing hair, dressing, etc. supporting continence care, supervision, housekeeping and meal preparation;

        • have a relationship with the care recipient that is ongoing, regular and expected to extend beyond 90 days;

        • not be paid to provide assistance to the care recipient; and

        • sign an Agreement with NL Health Services defining any terms and conditions for receiving the caregiver benefit.

      The person receiving care (care recipient) must:

          • be 65 years of age or older;

          • have a caregiving relationship with an eligible caregiver that is ongoing, regular and is expected to extend beyond 90 days;

          • have an annual household net income of $49,000 or less for couples or $32,000 or less for single households (“Net Income” is the income identified on Line 23600 of the Federal Income Tax Return or in the Notice of Assessment provided by the Canada Revenue Agency); 

          • have been assessed by NL Health Services to require significant care as determined by the outcome of a clinical assessment (RAI-HC MAPLe score of 5).

        More information about the Caregiver Benefit can be found in the Caregiver Benefit application form (PDF).

        Individuals interested in applying for the Caregiver Benefit can discuss the application with their case manager.