As of April 1, 2023, all regional health authorities and the Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information are transitioning to a single provincial health authority. This website will continue to be updated during this time.
Patients, clients and residents can continue to access care in the same way they always have. There are no immediate changes to health-care programs, services, facilities or contact information as a result of this step in the transition.
The Labrador-Grenfell Regional Health Authority (Labrador-Grenfell Health) was formed on April 1, 2005, with the merger of Grenfell Regional Health Services and Health Labrador Corporation.
The Labrador-Grenfell zone is one of Newfoundland and Labrador’s five health zones which covers Labrador and all communities north of Bartlett’s Harbour on the Northern Peninsula. Within this zone, health and community services are provided to approximately 37,000 people (Statistics Canada, Census 2016 data) inclusive of three Indigenous groups: Innu, Inuit, and Southern Inuit.
The Labrador-Grenfell zone employs approximately 1,500 staff and operates 22 facilities, including three hospitals, three community health centres, 14 community clinics and two long-term care facilities.

It delivers both primary and secondary health services to the residents of the region, including:
- acute care, diagnostic and clinical support services
- community health and wellness
- dental services
- health protection services
- long-term care
- mental health and addictions services
- residential services
- therapeutic intervention, family rehabilitation and other rehabilitation services
In the Indigenous communities, Labrador-Grenfell Health is joined by the Nunatsiavut Department of Health and Social Development, two Innu Band Councils, NunatuKavut (formerly the Labrador Métis Nation), Health Canada and private practitioners in delivering community health programs that meet the health needs of residents in the region.