NL Health Services is the provincial health authority, transitioning from five former organizations. Health-care services and contact information for the Labrador-Grenfell zone remains available on this website. For corporate information and news, please visit  


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Your role in infection prevention 

  • COVID-19/respiratory illness screening for visitors/support persons: 
  • Masking Requirements: Visitors/support persons, clients and patients (outpatient clinics and emergency departments) are required to wear a well-fitted medical mask in all clinical areas, including in waiting areas for health-care services/appointments, clinical care/treatment areas and while visiting patients and long-term care residents. These requirements do not apply to patients admitted to hospital or long-term care residents. For more information, please visit:

The three regional health authorities (Eastern Health, Labrador-Grenfell Health, Western Health) have initiated a quality review process to ensure mammography images have been viewed on workstations that meet technical standards. The regional health authorities are taking all the required steps to complete this review in a timely and thorough manner. For more information, click here.

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